Kufa Company

Our Story

The idea has arisen in the minds of the owners in 2003 at the city of Riyadh, where it was a small shop in its infancy and lasted for two years. Until one of the owners obtained a foreign scholarship, but the idea did not end at this extent, but rather continued with its owners, and here in fact, Kufa restaurants were established in 2010 by moving to the Eastern Province to begin the expansion journey


Kufa Food Company aims to be in the eyes of customers and beneficiaries one of the best providers of the broasted product (fried chicken)

It also aims to expand in all food industries.


Contributing to achieving the 2030 vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the localization of professions with the Saudi leadership and the application of food safety systems. We seek to achieve loyalty, initiative, speed of response, customer confidence, honesty, transparency, quality and creativity.



Kufa Food Company aims to be in the eyes of customers and beneficiaries one of the best providers of the broasted product (fried chicken)




 Building strong relationships with customers and beneficiaries to ensure long-term success by understanding their needs

 Applying continuous improvement methodology based on specific measurements and customer surveys

Promoting teamwork and using a common language for quality concepts and the concept of operations to carry out business

Developing employees' skills, empowerment and responsibility through training and participation

Designing, implementing and maintaining a quality management system

من نحن

شركة كوفة للأغذية

نسعى لتقديم منتج متميز وعالي الجودة لجميع فئات المستهلكين على حد سواء المستهلك كما نسعى للجمع بين الجودة والطعم المميز في منتجاتنا من خلال فريق عمل لديه الخبرة في هذا المجال

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